The Project

This was a pure Research & Development project on behalf of National Grid with a remit to explore potential technologies, develop software and prove the algorithms for an AC CIPS device. The problem faced by National Grid and global pipeline companies is the fact that overhead power lines had been proven to induce high AC currents and voltages onto buried pipelines. In certain circumstances this AC current would dissipate through a small defect in the pipeline insulation and rapidly corrode the pipe to the point of failure. The project involved researching the underlying physics, mathematics and then designing a set of hardware and software and algorithms for undertaking a practical pipeline survey for AC CIPS.

The project took place over a number of years and yielded very promising results with the technology then being incorporated into the National Grid Smart Survey Device. A number of global patents have since been applied for.


National Grid – UK

Malcolm’s Role

Project Management / R&D / Filed Trials / Patent Application

Project Dates

September 2010 – December 2012

Related Projects
Contact Malcolm

Malcolm is not around right now. But you can send him an email and he'll get back to you, asap.

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